Fairy Tale Blog Hop!
Time for a little fun, my lovers of chick-lit! This week, to celebrate Valentine's Day, a group of author pals and I are doing a fairy tale themed blog hop and a giveaway!
Today I was asked to compare a main character from one of my books with a fairy tale princess. I must say that trying to find a princess to match up with Julia Dorning, the main character from Thirty-Two Going on Spinster was quite the task. I mean, what princess is an older, pessimistic, sarcastic, future spinster? Let me tell you, there isn’t one.
So I decided to go with one of my favorite princesses which is Rapunzel.

Sure Rapunzel is an eternal optimist, with long luscious blonde hair and a cute little button nose. Julia, on the other hand is snarky and can be quite negative, with mousy brown hair and a wardrobe to wince over. But once I started comparing, there was actually a lot more that they had in common than I had originally thought. For example:
Rapunzel is stuck in a tower that she is dying to escape. Julia is stuck in a job and in an incredibly boring life that she hates. (Hey! That rhymed)
All Rapunzel ever wanted to do was explore the world and see things beyond her tower, but she has an evil mother who holds her back. Julia wants to get away from her mundane existence, but she holds herself back (the part of Mother Gothel and Rapunzel are both played by Julia in this instance).
When Rapunzel finally is able to get herself away from the tower, amazing things happen. Likewise, when Julia starts to make changes and moves away from her old life, amazing things happen.
See? Not so far off.

If you’ve seen Tangled, then you know that Rapunzel gets her happy ending. To learn more about Julia and how she escapes her spinsterly future, check out Thirty-Two Going on Spinster!
Now for the good stuff. The giveaway!
The grand prize for this hop is a package of brownies from Fairy Tale Brownies (I’m salivating just looking at this picture). *Entries are for US residents only*.

The drawing will happen on February 16th, and to enter all you have to do is answer this question:
What qualities do you look for in your prince (or for the guys, your princess)? Just a couple will do.
*IMPORTANT* Please make sure you leave an e-mail address with your comment so that we can contact you to send you the prize, should you win!
Now hop on over to these blogs for more chances to win!