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#ChickLitMay Book Boyfriend Blog Hop

Hello, Book Boyfriend Blog Hoppers!

Let me introduce JARED MOODY! The hero from my Spinster Series. I'm going to let him tell you why he's the perfect candidate to win best book boyfriend! 'Cause he totally is. I'm not biased or anything. I mean, he did come from my brain and all, sooooo....

Hey there. So, I'm Jared. First of all, let me apologize for the above graphic. My better-half, Julia, made that. And then kindly asked (read: forced) me to post it.

Since I was at a loss for what I should say here - not really one to promote myself - I asked Julia to make me a list of reasons why I'm the best candidate for book boyfriend of the year.

Wait ... I was just told that there was no "of the year" clause, and that there also was no cash prize. I see Julia has pulled one of her classic bait and switch tactics. Well ... okay. No biggie.

So here we go. Here's Julia's top ten list for why you should vote me best book boyfriend:

1. I have a six pack. While this is true, I suppose ... I'm not sure that should be number one. Or even a good reason to vote for me. Moving on.

2. I make Julia laugh. I think she makes me laugh more than I make her laugh, but I'll take it.

3. I like Julia's cupcakes. So, let me specify here - Julia owns a bakery, and makes a lot of delicious treats. This is not a euphemism. No ... wait ... Julia just said that it was, in fact, a euphemism. So there you are.

4. I have a six pack. Again, not sure why this is even on the list, and now twice. I have to have more worthy qualities than that.

5. I'm a smarty pants. Yeah, remember these are Julia's words, not mine. But, thanks Jules.

6. I got Julia fired from her job. Okay, Jules? I thought we were past this? Apparently not. And why did this even make the list?

7. And it was the best thing that could have happened to her. Oh, I see. Cute, Jules. Cute.

8. I have a six pack.

And we're done here. I'd tell you 9 & 10, but #9 was not appropriate, and #10 also had to do with my abs.

Anyway, I'm pretty sure there are other book boyfriends that are better than me. Wait - Julia wants me to tell you that if chosen, I promise to do a striptease. Yeah, that's probably not going to happen.

So vote for me, JARED MOODY. Because there'll be a striptease. <-- that was written by Julia. There will be no striptease. Sorry.

***To vote for Jared, please email your vote to***


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